sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2016

Simple solution to add 3D dynamic text in UNITY Vuforia

Considering that you already know how to build a simple example of Vuforia in UNITY, I´m going to register here a simple way to add dynamic 3D text.

1) First of all, insert a 3D Text in the scene. Go to menu GameObject > 3D Object > 3D Text. Write any text in there and call it "dynamicText";

2) Move this 3D Text into ImageTarget;

2) Create a C# Script. Right button on Asset windows > create > C# Script.

Write this code in there:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;

public class textScript : MonoBehaviour {

         // Define this variable will allow you to associate your 3D Text. 
         // To associate it you have to grab the 

private TextMesh changeTextMesh = null;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
changeTextMesh.text = "This is the new text";

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {


3) Save it and go back to the scene. Grab this C# script into the ImageTarget;

4) Grab the dynamicText into the changeTextMesh variable that is obviously located in the ImageTarget inspector (where you input your C# Script)

5) By the time you connect the dynamicText with changeTextMesh it will work like a charm.

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